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- From: alopez-o@maytag.uwaterloo.ca (Alex Lopez-Ortiz)
- Newsgroups: sci.math,news.answers
- Subject: sci.math: Frequently Asked Questions
- Summary: (version 3.4)
- Message-ID: <BzM4Gn.LCw@watdragon.uwaterloo.ca>
- Date: 21 Dec 92 14:05:10 GMT
- Sender: alopez-o@maytag.uwaterloo.ca
- Reply-To: alopez-o@maytag.uwaterloo.ca
- Followup-To: sci.math
- Organization: University of Waterloo
- Lines: 1147
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
- Originator: alopez-o@maytag.uwaterloo.ca
- Archive-Name: sci-math-faq
- Version: $Id: sci-math-faq,v 3.6 92/12/07 18:14:00 $
- This is a list of frequently asked questions for sci.math (version 3.6).
- Any contributions/suggestions/corrections are most welcome. Please use
- * e-mail * on any comment concerning the FAQ list.
- Changes of version will be important enough to deserve reading the FAQ
- list again. Additions are marked with a # on the table of contents.
- Still you may kill all versions of FAQ using the * wildcard. (Ask your
- local unix guru for ways to do so). The FAQ is available via ftp in
- rtfm.mit.edu (
- The list of contributors to this FAQ list is to large to include here;
- but thanks are due to all of them (you know who you are folks).
- Table of Contents
- -----------------
- 1Q.- Fermat's Last Theorem, status of ..
- 2Q.- Four Colour Theorem, proof of ..
- 3Q.- Values of Record Numbers
- 4Q.- General Netiquette
- 5Q.- Computer Algebra Systems, application of ..
- 6Q.- Computer Algebra Systems, references to ..
- 7Q.- Fields Medal, general info ..
- 8Q.- 0^0=1. A comprehensive approach ..
- 9Q.- 0.999... = 1. Properties of the real numbers ..
- 10Q.- Digits of Pi, computation and references ..
- 11Q.- There are three doors, The Monty Hall problem, Master Mind and
- other games .. #
- 12Q.- Surface and Volume of the n-ball
- 13Q.- f(x)^f(x)=x, name of the function ..
- 14Q.- Projective plane of order 10 ..
- 15Q.- How to compute day of week of a given date ..
- 16Q.- Axiom of Choice and/or Continuum Hypothesis?
- 17Q.- Cutting a sphere into pieces of larger volume
- 18Q.- Pointers to Quaternions
- 19Q.- Erdos Number #
- 1Q: What is the current status of Fermat's last theorem?
- (There are no positive integers x,y,z, and n > 2 such that
- x^n + y^n = z^n)
- I heard that <insert name here> claimed to have proved it but later
- on the proof was found to be wrong. ...
- (wlog we assume x,y,z to be relatively prime)
- A: The status of FLT has remained remarkably constant. Every few
- years, someone claims to have a proof ... but oh, wait, not quite.
- Meanwhile, it is proved true for ever greater values of the exponent
- (but not all of them), and ties are shown between it and other
- conjectures (if only we could prove one of them), and ... so it has
- been for quite some time. It has been proved that for each
- exponent, there are at most a finite number of counter-examples to
- FLT.
- Here is a brief survey of the status of FLT. It is not intended to
- be 'deep', but it is rather for non-specialists.
- The theorem is broken into 2 cases. The first case assumes
- (abc,n) = 1. The second case is the general case.
- What has been PROVED
- --------------------
- First Case.
- It has been proven true up to 7.568x10^17 by the work of Wagstaff &
- Tanner, Granville&Monagan, and Coppersmith. They all used extensions
- of the Wiefrich criteria and improved upon work performed by
- Gunderson and Shanks&Williams.
- The first case has been proven to be true for an infinite number of
- exponents by Adelman, Frey, et. al. using a generalization of the
- Sophie Germain criterion
- Second Case:
- It has been proven true up to n = 150,000 by Tanner & Wagstaff. The
- work used new techniques for computing Bernoulli numbers mod p and
- improved upon work of Vandiver. The work involved computing the
- irregular primes up to 150,000. FLT is true for all regular primes
- by a theorem of Kummer. In the case of irregular primes, some
- additional computations are needed.
- Fermat's Last Theorem has been proved true up to exponent 2,000,000
- in the general case. The method used was essentially that of Wagstaff:
- enumerating and eliminating irregular primes by Bernoulli number
- computations. The computations were performed on a set of NeXT
- computers by Richard Crandall.
- Since the genus of the curve a^n + b^n = 1, is greater than or equal
- to 2 for n > 3, it follows from Mordell's theorem [proved by
- Faltings], that for any given n, there are at most a finite number
- of solutions.
- Conjectures
- -----------
- There are many open conjectures that imply FLT. These conjectures
- come from different directions, but can be basically broken into
- several classes: (and there are interrelationships between the
- classes)
- (a) conjectures arising from Diophantine approximation theory such
- as the ABC conjecture, the Szpiro conjecture, the Hall conjecture,
- etc.
- For an excellent survey article on these subjects see the article
- by Serge Lang in the Bulletin of the AMS, July 1990 entitled
- "Old and new conjectured diophantine inequalities".
- Masser and Osterle formulated the following known as the ABC
- conjecture:
- Given epsilon > 0, there exists a number C(epsilon) such that for
- any set of non-zero, relatively prime integers a,b,c such that
- a+b = c we have
- max( |a|, |b|, |c|) <= C(epsilon) N(abc)^(1 + epsilon)
- where N(x) is the product of the distinct primes dividing x.
- It is easy to see that it implies FLT asymptotically. The conjecture
- was motivated by a theorem, due to Mason that essentially says the
- ABC conjecture IS true for polynomials.
- The ABC conjecture also implies Szpiro's conjecture [and vice-versa]
- and Hall's conjecture. These results are all generally believed to
- be true.
- There is a generalization of the ABC conjecture [by Vojta] which is
- too technical to discuss but involves heights of points on
- non-singular algebraic varieties . Vojta's conjecture also implies
- Mordell's theorem [already known to be true]. There are also a
- number of inter-twined conjectures involving heights on elliptic
- curves that are related to much of this stuff. For a more complete
- discussion, see Lang's article.
- (b) conjectures arising from the study of elliptic curves and
- modular forms. -- The Taniyama-Weil-Shmimura conjecture.
- There is a very important and well known conjecture known as the
- Taniyama-Weil-Shimura conjecture that concerns elliptic curves.
- This conjecture has been shown by the work of Frey, Serre, Ribet,
- et. al. to imply FLT uniformly, not just asymptotically as with the
- ABC conj.
- The conjecture basically states that all elliptic curves can be
- parameterized in terms of modular forms.
- There is new work on the arithmetic of elliptic curves. Sha, the
- Tate-Shafarevich group on elliptic curves of rank 0 or 1. By the way
- an interesting aspect of this work is that there is a close
- connection between Sha, and some of the classical work on FLT. For
- example, there is a classical proof that uses infinite descent to
- prove FLT for n = 4. It can be shown that there is an elliptic curve
- associated with FLT and that for n=4, Sha is trivial. It can also be
- shown that in the cases where Sha is non-trivial, that
- infinite-descent arguments do not work; that in some sense 'Sha
- blocks the descent'. Somewhat more technically, Sha is an
- obstruction to the local-global principle [e.g. the Hasse-Minkowski
- theorem].
- (c) Conjectures arising from some conjectured inequalities involving
- Chern classes and some other deep results/conjectures in arithmetic
- algebraic geometry.
- I can't describe these results since I don't know the math. Contact
- Barry Mazur [or Serre, or Faltings, or Ribet, or ...]. Actually the
- set of people who DO understand this stuff is fairly small.
- The diophantine and elliptic curve conjectures all involve deep
- properties of integers. Until these conjecture were tied to FLT,
- FLT had been regarded by most mathematicians as an isolated problem;
- a curiosity. Now it can be seen that it follows from some deep and
- fundamental properties of the integers. [not yet proven but
- generally believed].
- This synopsis is quite brief. A full survey would run to many pages.
- References:
- [1] J.P.Butler, R.E.Crandall, & R.W.Sompolski
- "Irregular Primes to One Million"
- Math. Comp. 59 (October 1992) pp. 717-722
- 2Q: Has the Four Colour Theorem been solved?
- (Every planar map with regions of simple borders can be coloured
- with 4 colours in such a way that no two regions sharing a non-zero
- length border have the same colour.)
- A: This theorem was proved with the aid of a computer in 1976.
- The proof shows that if aprox. 1,936 basic forms of maps
- can be coloured with four colours, then any given map can be
- coloured with four colours. A computer program coloured this
- basic forms. So far nobody has been able to prove it without
- using a computer. In principle it is possible to emulate the
- computer proof by hand computations.
- References:
- K. Appel and W. Haken, Every planar map is four colourable,
- Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, vol. 82, 1976
- pp.711-712.
- K. Appel and W. Haken, Every planar map is four colourable,
- Illinois Journal of Mathematics, vol. 21, 1977, pp. 429-567.
- T. Saaty and Paul Kainen, The Four Colour Theorem: Assault and
- Conquest, McGraw-Hill, 1977. Reprinted by Dover Publications 1986.
- K. Appel and W. Haken, Every Planar Map is Four Colorable,
- Contemporary Mathematics, vol. 98, American Mathematical Society,
- 1989, pp.741.
- F. Bernhart, Math Reviews. 91m:05007, Dec. 1991. (Review of Appel
- and Haken's book).
- 3Q: What are the values of:
- largest known Mersenne prime?
- A: It is 2^756839-1. It was discovered by a Cray-2 in England in 1992.
- It has 227,832 digits.
- largest known prime?
- A: The largest known prime was 391581*2^216193 - 1. See Brown, Noll,
- Parady, Smith, Smith, and Zarantonello, Letter to the editor,
- American Mathematical Monthly, vol. 97, 1990, p. 214.
- Now the largest known prime is the Mersenne prime described above.
- largest known twin primes?
- A: The largest known twin primes are 1706595*2^11235 +- 1.
- See B. K. Parady and J. F. Smith and S. E. Zarantonello,
- Smith, Noll and Brown.
- Largest known twin primes, Mathematics of Computation,
- vol.55, 1990, pp. 381-382.
- largest Fermat number with known factorization?
- A: F_11 = (2^(2^11)) + 1 which was factored by Brent & Morain in
- 1988. F9 = (2^(2^9)) + 1 = 2^512 + 1 was factored by
- A.K. Lenstra, H.W. Lenstra Jr., M.S. Manasse & J.M. Pollard
- in 1990. The factorization for F10 is NOT known.
- Are there good algorithms to factor a given integer?
- A: There are several that have subexponential estimated
- running time, to mention just a few:
- Continued fraction algorithm,
- Class group method,
- Quadratic sieve algorithm,
- Elliptic curve algorithm,
- Number field sieve,
- Dixon's random squares algorithm,
- Valle's two-thirds algorithm,
- Seysen's class group algorithm,
- A.K. Lenstra, H.W. Lenstra Jr., "Algorithms in Number Theory",
- in: J. van Leeuwen (ed.), Handbook of Theoretical Computer
- Science, Volume A: Algorithms and Complexity, Elsevier, pp.
- 673-715, 1990.
- List of record numbers?
- A: Chris Caldwell maintains "THE LARGEST KNOWN PRIMES (ALL KNOWN
- PRIMES WITH 2000 OR MORE DIGITS)"-list. Send him mail to
- bf04@UTMartn.bitnet (preferred) or kvax@utkvx.UTK.edu, on any new
- gigantic primes (greater than 10,000 digits), titanic primes
- (greater than 1000 digits).
- What is the current status on Mersenne primes?
- A: Mersenne primes are primes of the form 2^p-1. For 2^p-1 to be prime
- we must have that p is prime. The following Mersenne primes are
- known.
- nr p year by
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- 1-5 2,3,5,7,13 in or before the middle ages
- 6-7 17,19 1588 Cataldi
- 8 31 1750 Euler
- 9 61 1883 Pervouchine
- 10 89 1911 Powers
- 11 107 1914 Powers
- 12 127 1876 Lucas
- 13-14 521,607 1952 Robinson
- 15-17 1279,2203,2281 1952 Lehmer
- 18 3217 1957 Riesel
- 19-20 4253,4423 1961 Hurwitz & Selfridge
- 21-23 9689,9941,11213 1963 Gillies
- 24 19937 1971 Tuckerman
- 25 21701 1978 Noll & Nickel
- 26 23209 1979 Noll
- 27 44497 1979 Slowinski & Nelson
- 28 86243 1982 Slowinski
- 29 110503 1988 Colquitt & Welsh jr.
- 30 132049 1983 Slowinski
- 31 216091 1985 Slowinski
- 32? 756839 1992 Slowinski & Gage
- The way to determine if 2^p-1 is prime is to use the Lucas-Lehmer
- test:
- Lucas_Lehmer_Test(p):
- u := 4
- for i from 3 to p do
- u := u^2-2 mod 2^p-1
- od
- if u == 0 then
- 2^p-1 is prime
- else
- 2^p-1 is composite
- fi
- The following ranges have been checked completely:
- 2 - 355K and 430K - 520K
- More on Mersenne primes and the Lucas-Lehmer test can be found in:
- G.H. Hardy, E.M. Wright, An introduction to the theory of numbers,
- fifth edition, 1979, pp. 16, 223-225.
- (Please send updates to alopez-o@maytag.UWaterloo.ca)
- 4Q: I think I proved <insert big conjecture>. OR
- I think I have a bright new idea.
- What should I do?
- A: Are you an expert in the area? If not, please ask first local
- gurus for pointers to related work (the "distribution" field
- may serve well for this purposes). If after reading them you still
- think your *proof is correct*/*idea is new* then send it to the net.
- 5Q: I have this complicated symbolic problem (most likely
- a symbolic integral or a DE system) that I can't solve.
- What should I do?
- A: Find a friend with access to a computer algebra system
- like MAPLE, MACSYMA or MATHEMATICA and ask her/him to solve it.
- If packages cannot solve it, then (and only then) ask the net.
- 6Q: Where can I get <Symbolic Computation Package>?
- This is not a comprehensive list. There are other Computer Algebra
- packages available that may better suit your needs. There is also
- a FAQ list in the group sci.math.symbolics which may have the
- info your looking for.
- A: Maple
- Purpose: Symbolic and numeric computation, mathematical
- programming, and mathematical visualization.
- Contact: Waterloo Maple Software,
- 160 Columbia Street West,
- Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3L3
- Phone: (519) 747-2373
- wmsi@daisy.uwaterloo.ca wmsi@daisy.waterloo.edu
- A: DOE-Macsyma
- Purpose: Symbolic and mathematical manipulations.
- Contact: National Energy Software Center
- Argonne National Laboratory 9700 South Cass Avenue
- Argonne, Illinois 60439
- Phone: (708) 972-7250
- A: Pari
- Purpose: Number-theoretic computations and simple numerical
- analysis.
- Available for Sun 3, Sun 4, generic 32-bit Unix, and
- Macintosh II. This is a free package, available by ftp from
- math.ucla.edu (
- Contact: questions about pari can be sent to pari@mizar.greco-prog.fr
- A: Mathematica
- Purpose: Mathematical computation and visualization,
- symbolic programming.
- Contact: Wolfram Research, Inc.
- 100 Trade Center Drive Champaign,
- IL 61820-7237
- Phone: 1-800-441-MATH
- A: Macsyma
- Purpose: Symbolic and mathematical manipulations.
- Contact: Symbolics, Inc.
- 8 New England Executive Park East
- Burlington, Massachusetts 01803
- United States of America
- (617) 221-1250
- macsyma@Symbolics.COM
- A: Matlab
- Purpose: `matrix laboratory' for tasks involving
- matrices, graphics and general numerical computation.
- Contact: The MathWorks, Inc.
- 21 Eliot Street
- South Natick, MA 01760
- 508-653-1415
- info@mathworks.com
- A: Cayley
- Purpose: Computation in algebraic and combinatorial structures
- such as groups, rings, fields, modules and graphs.
- Available for: SUN 3, SUN 4, IBM running AIX or VM, DEC VMS, others
- Contact: Computational Algebra Group
- University of Sydney
- NSW 2006
- Australia
- Phone: (61) (02) 692 3338
- Fax: (61) (02) 692 4534
- cayley@maths.su.oz.au
- 7Q: Let P be a property about the Fields Medal. Is P(x) true?
- A: There are a few gaps in the list. If you know any of the
- missing information (or if you notice any mistakes),
- please send me e-mail.
- Year Name Birthplace Age Institution
- ---- ---- ---------- --- -----------
- 1936 Ahlfors, Lars Helsinki Finland 29 Harvard U USA
- 1936 Douglas, Jesse New York NY USA 39 MIT USA
- 1950 Schwartz, Laurent Paris France 35 U of Nancy France
- 1950 Selberg, Atle Langesund Norway 33 Adv.Std.Princeton USA
- 1954 Kodaira, Kunihiko Tokyo Japan 39 Princeton U USA
- 1954 Serre, Jean-Pierre Bages France 27 College de France France
- 1958 Roth, Klaus Breslau Germany 32 U of London UK
- 1958 Thom, Rene Montbeliard France 35 U of Strasbourg France
- 1962 Hormander, Lars Mjallby Sweden 31 U of Stockholm Sweden
- 1962 Milnor, John Orange NJ USA 31 Princeton U USA
- 1966 Atiyah, Michael London UK 37 Oxford U UK
- 1966 Cohen, Paul Long Branch NJ USA 32 Stanford U USA
- 1966 Grothendieck, Alexander Berlin Germany 38 U of Paris France
- 1966 Smale, Stephen Flint MI USA 36 UC Berkeley USA
- 1970 Baker, Alan London UK 31 Cambridge U UK
- 1970 Hironaka, Heisuke Yamaguchi-ken Japan 39 Harvard U USA
- 1970 Novikov, Serge Gorki USSR 32 Moscow U USSR
- 1970 Thompson, John Ottawa KA USA 37 U of Chicago USA
- 1974 Bombieri, Enrico Milan Italy 33 U of Pisa Italy
- 1974 Mumford, David Worth, Sussex UK 37 Harvard U USA
- 1978 Deligne, Pierre Brussels Belgium 33 IHES France
- 1978 Fefferman, Charles Washington DC USA 29 Princeton U USA
- 1978 Margulis, Gregori Moscow USSR 32 InstPrblmInfTrans USSR
- 1978 Quillen, Daniel Orange NJ USA 38 MIT USA
- 1982 Connes, Alain Draguignan France 35 IHES France
- 1982 Thurston, William Washington DC USA 35 Princeton U USA
- 1982 Yau, Shing-Tung Kwuntung China 33 IAS USA
- 1986 Donaldson, Simon Cambridge UK 27 Oxford U UK
- 1986 Faltings, Gerd 1954 Germany 32 Princeton U USA
- 1986 Freedman, Michael Los Angeles CA USA 35 UC San Diego USA
- 1990 Drinfeld, Vladimir Kharkov USSR 36 Phys.Inst.Kharkov USSR
- 1990 Jones, Vaughan Auckland N Zealand 38 UC Berkeley USA
- 1990 Mori, Shigefumi Nagoya Japan 39 U of Kyoto? Japan
- 1990 Witten, Edward ? USA 38 Princeton U/IAS USA
- References :
- International Mathematical Congresses, An Illustrated History 1893-1986,
- Revised Edition, Including 1986, by Donald J.Alberts, G. L. Alexanderson
- and Constance Reid, Springer Verlag, 1987.
- Tropp, Henry S., ``The origins and history of the Fields Medal,''
- Historia Mathematica, 3(1976), 167-181.
- 8Q: What is 0^0 ?
- A: According to some Calculus textbooks, 0^0 is an "indeterminate
- form". When evaluating a limit of the form 0^0, then you need
- to know that limits of that form are called "indeterminate forms",
- and that you need to use a special technique such as L'Hopital's
- rule to evaluate them. Otherwise, 0^0=1 seems to be the most
- useful choice for 0^0. This convention allows us to extend
- definitions in different areas of mathematics that otherwise would
- require treating 0 as a special case. Notice that 0^0 is a
- discontinuity of the function x^y.
- Rotando & Korn show that if f and g are real functions that vanish
- at the origin and are _analytic_ at 0 (infinitely differentiable is
- not sufficient), then f(x)^g(x) approaches 1 as x approaches 0 from
- the right.
- From Concrete Mathematics p.162 (R. Graham, D. Knuth, O. Patashnik):
- "Some textbooks leave the quantity 0^0 undefined, because the
- functions x^0 and 0^x have different limiting values when x
- decreases to 0. But this is a mistake. We must define
- x^0 = 1 for all x,
- if the binomial theorem is to be valid when x=0, y=0, and/or x=-y.
- The theorem is too important to be arbitrarily restricted! By
- contrast, the function 0^x is quite unimportant."
- Published by Addison-Wesley, 2nd printing Dec, 1988.
- Another reference is:
- H. E. Vaughan, The expression '0^0', Mathematics
- Teacher 63 (1970), pp.111-112.
- Louis M. Rotando & Henry Korn, "The Indeterminate Form 0^0",
- Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 50, No. 1 (January 1977),
- pp. 41-42.
- L. J. Paige, A note on indeterminate forms, American
- Mathematical Monthly, 61 (1954), 189-190; reprinted
- in the Mathematical Association of America's 1969
- volume, Selected Papers on Calculus, pp. 210-211.
- 9Q: Why is 0.9999... = 1?
- A: In modern mathematics, the string of symbols "0.9999..." is
- understood to be a shorthand for "the infinite sum 9/10 + 9/100
- + 9/1000 + ...." This in turn is shorthand for "the limit of the
- sequence of real numbers 9/10, 9/10 + 9/100, 9/10 + 9/100 + 9/1000,
- ..." Using the well-known epsilon-delta definition of limit, one
- can easily show that this limit is 1. The statement that
- 0.9999... = 1 is simply an abbreviation of this fact.
- oo m
- --- 9 --- 9
- 0.999... = > ---- = lim > ----
- --- 10^n m->oo --- 10^n
- n=1 n=1
- Choose epsilon > 0. Suppose delta = 1/-log_10 epsilon, thus
- epsilon = 10^(-1/delta). For every m>1/delta we have that
- | m |
- | --- 9 | 1 1
- | > ---- - 1 | = ---- < ------------ = epsilon
- | --- 10^n | 10^m 10^(1/delta)
- | n=1 |
- So by the (epsilon-delta) definition of the limit we have
- m
- --- 9
- lim > ---- = 1
- m->oo --- 10^n
- n=1
- An *informal* argument could be given by noticing that the following
- sequence of "natural" operations has as a consequence 1 = 0.9999....
- Therefore it's "natural" to assume 1 = 0.9999.....
- x = 0.99999....
- 10x = 9.99999....
- 10x - x = 9
- 9x = 9
- x = 1
- Thus
- 1 = 0.99999....
- References:
- E. Hewitt & K. Stromberg, Real and Abstract Analysis,
- Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1965.
- W. Rudin, Principles of Mathematical Analysis, McGraw-Hill, 1976.
- 10Q: Where I can get pi up to a few hundred thousand digits of pi?
- Does anyone have an algorithm to compute pi to those zillion
- decimal places?
- A: MAPLE or MATHEMATICA can give you 10,000 digits of Pi in a blink,
- and they can compute another 20,000-500,000 overnight (range depends
- on hardware platform).
- It is possible to retrieve 1.25+ million digits of pi via anonymous
- ftp from the site wuarchive.wustl.edu, in the files pi.doc.Z and
- pi.dat.Z which reside in subdirectory doc/misc/pi.
- References :
- (This is a short version for a more comprhensive list contact
- Juhana Kouhia at jk87377@cc.tut.fi)
- J. M. Borwein, P. B. Borwein, and D. H. Bailey, "Ramanujan,
- Modular Equations, and Approximations to Pi", American Mathematical
- Monthly, vol. 96, no. 3 (March 1989), p. 201 - 220.
- P. Beckman
- A history of pi
- Golem Press, CO, 1971 (fourth edition 1977)
- J.M. Borwein and P.B. Borwein
- The arithmetic-geometric mean and fast computation of elementary
- functions
- SIAM Review, Vol. 26, 1984, pp. 351-366
- J.M. Borwein and P.B. Borwein
- More quadratically converging algorithms for pi
- Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 46, 1986, pp. 247-253
- J.M. Borwein and P.B. Borwein
- Pi and the AGM - a study in analytic number theory and
- computational complexity
- Wiley, New York, 1987
- Shlomo Breuer and Gideon Zwas
- Mathematical-educational aspects of the computation of pi
- Int. J. Math. Educ. Sci. Technol., Vol. 15, No. 2, 1984,
- pp. 231-244
- Y. Kanada and Y. Tamura
- Calculation of pi to 10,013,395 decimal places based on the
- Gauss-Legendre algorithm and Gauss arctangent relation
- Computer Centre, University of Tokyo, 1983
- Morris Newman and Daniel Shanks
- On a sequence arising in series for pi
- Mathematics of computation, Vol. 42, No. 165, Jan 1984,
- pp. 199-217
- E. Salamin
- Computation of pi using arithmetic-geometric mean
- Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 30, 1976, pp. 565-570
- D. Shanks and J.W. Wrench, Jr.
- Calculation of pi to 100,000 decimals
- Mathematics of Computation, Vol. 16, 1962, pp. 76-99
- Daniel Shanks
- Dihedral quartic approximations and series for pi
- J. Number Theory, Vol. 14, 1982, pp.397-423
- David Singmaster
- The legal values of pi
- The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 7, No. 2, 1985
- Stan Wagon
- Is pi normal?
- The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1985
- J.W. Wrench, Jr.
- The evolution of extended decimal approximations to pi
- The Mathematics Teacher, Vol. 53, 1960, pp. 644-650
- 11Q: There are three doors, and there is a car hidden behind one
- of them, Master Mind and other games ..
- A: Read frequently asked questions from rec.puzzles, where the
- problem is solved and carefully explained. (The Monty
- Your chance of winning is 2/3 if you switch and 1/3 if you don't.
- For a full explanation from the frequently asked questions list
- for rec.puzzles, send to the address netlib@peregrine.com an email
- message consisting of the text
- send switch
- References
- American Mathematical Monthly, January 1992.
- For the game of Master Mind it has been proven that no more than
- five moves are required in the worst case. For references look at
- One such algorithm was published in the Journal of Recreational
- Mathematics; in '70 or '71 (I think), which always solved the
- 4 peg problem in 5 moves. Knuth later published an algorithm which
- solves the problem in a shorter # of moves - on average - but can
- take six guesses on certain combinations.
- Donald E. Knuth, The Computer as Master Mind, J. Recreational Mathematics
- 9 (1976-77), 1-6.
- 12Q: What is the formula for the "Surface Area" of a sphere in
- Euclidean N-Space. That is, of course, the volume of the N-1
- solid which comprises the boundary of an N-Sphere.
- A: The volume of a ball is the easiest formula to remember: It's r^N
- times pi^(N/2)/(N/2)!. The only hard part is taking the factorial
- of a half-integer. The real definition is that x! = Gamma(x+1), but
- if you want a formula, it's:
- (1/2+n)! = sqrt(pi)*(2n+2)!/(n+1)!/4^(n+1)
- To get the surface area, you just differentiate to get
- N*pi^(N/2)/(N/2)!*r^(N-1).
- There is a clever way to obtain this formula using Gaussian
- integrals. First, we note that the integral over the line of
- e^(-x^2) is sqrt(pi). Therefore the integral over N-space of
- e^(-x_1^2-x_2^2-...-x_N^2) is sqrt(pi)^n. Now we change to
- spherical coordinates. We get the integral from 0 to infinity
- of V*r^(N-1)*e^(-r^2), where V is the surface volume of a sphere.
- Integrate by parts repeatedly to get the desired formula.
- 13Q: Anyone knows a name (or a closed form) for
- f(x)^f(x)=x
- Solving for f one finds a "continued fraction"-like answer
- f(x) = log x
- -----
- log (log x
- ------
- ...........
- A: This question has been repeated here from time to time over the
- years, and no one seems to have heard of any published work on it,
- nor a published name for it (D. Merrit proposes "lx" due to its
- (very) faint resemblence to log). It's not an analytic function.
- The "continued fraction" form for its numeric solution is highly
- unstable in the region of its minimum at 1/e (because the graph is
- quite flat there yet logarithmic approximation oscillates wildly),
- although it converges fairly quickly elsewhere. To compute its value
- near 1/e, I used the bisection method with good results. Bisection
- in other regions converges much more slowly than the "logarithmic
- continued fraction" form, so a hybrid of the two seems suitable.
- Note that it's dual valued for the reals (and many valued complex
- for negative reals).
- A similar function is a "built-in" function in MAPLE called W(x).
- MAPLE considers a solution in terms of W(x) as a closed form (like
- the erf function). W is defined as W(x)*exp(W(x))=x.
- If anyone ever runs across something published on the subject,
- please post.
- 14Q: The existence of a projective plane of order 10 has long been
- an outstanding problem in discrete mathematics and finite geometry.
- A: More precisely, the question is: is it possible to define 111 sets
- (lines) of 11 points each such that:
- for any pair of points there is precisely one line containing them
- both and for any pair of lines there is only one point common to
- them both.
- Analogous questions with n^2 + n + 1 and n + 1 instead of 111 and 11
- have been positively answered only in case n is a prime power.
- For n=6 it is not possible. The n=10 case has been settled as
- not possible either by Clement Lam. See Am. Math. Monthly,
- recent issue. As the "proof" took several years of computer search
- (the equivalent of 2000 hours on a Cray-1) it can be called the most
- time-intensive computer assisted single proof.
- The final steps were ready in January 1989.
- 15Q: Is there a formula to determine the day of the week, given
- the month, day and year?
- A: Here is the standard method.
- A. Take the last two digits of the year.
- B. Divide by 4, discarding any fraction.
- C. Add the day of the month.
- D. Add the month's key value: JFM AMJ JAS OND
- 144 025 036 146
- E. Subtract 1 for January or February of a non-leap year.
- F. For a Gregorian date, add 0 for 1900's, 6 for 2000's, 4 for 1700's, 2
- for 1800's; for other years, add or subtract multiples of 400.
- G. For a Julian date, add 1 for 1700's, and 1 for every additional
- century you go back.
- H. Add the year.
- Now take the remainder when you divide by 7; 0 is Sunday, the first day
- of the week, 1 is Monday, and so on.
- Another formula is:
- W == k + [2.6m - 0.2] - 2C + Y + [Y/4] + [C/4] mod 7
- where [] denotes the integer floor function (round down),
- k is day (1 to 31)
- m is month (1 = March, ..., 10 = December, 11 = Jan, 12 = Feb)
- Treat Jan & Feb as months of the preceding year
- C is century ( 1987 has C = 19)
- Y is year ( 1987 has Y = 87 except Y = 86 for jan & feb)
- W is week day (0 = Sunday, ..., 6 = Saturday)
- This formula is good for the Gregorian calendar
- (introduced 1582 in parts of Europe, adopted in 1752 in Great Britain
- and its colonies, and on various dates in other countries).
- It handles century & 400 year corrections, but there is still a
- 3 day / 10,000 year error which the Gregorian calendar does not take.
- into account. At some time such a correction will have to be
- done but your software will probably not last that long :-) !
- References:
- Winning Ways by Conway, Guy, Berlekamp is supposed to have it.
- Martin Gardner in "Mathematical Carnaval".
- Michael Keith and Tom Craver, "The Ultimate Perpetual Calendar?",
- Journal of Recreational Mathematics, 22:4, pp. 280-282, 1990.
- K. Rosen, "Elementary Number Theory", p. 156.
- 16Q: What is the Axiom of Choice? Why is it important? Why some articles
- say "such and such is provable, if you accept the axiom of choice."?
- What are the arguments for and against the axiom of choice?
- A: There are several equivalent formulations:
- -The Cartesian product of nonempty sets is nonempty, even
- if the product is of an infinite family of sets.
- -Given any set S of mutually disjoint nonempty sets, there is a set C
- containing a single member from each element of S. C can thus be
- thought of as the result of "choosing" a representative from each
- set in S. Hence the name.
- >Why is it important?
- All kinds of important theorems in analysis require it. Tychonoff's
- theorem and the Hahn-Banach theorem are examples. AC is equivalent
- to the thesis that every set can be well-ordered. Zermelo's first
- proof of this in 1904 I believe was the first proof in which AC was
- made explicit. AC is especially handy for doing infinite cardinal
- arithmetic, as without it the most you get is a *partial* ordering
- on the cardinal numbers. It also enables you to prove such
- interesting general facts as that n^2 = n for all infinite cardinal
- numbers.
- > What are the arguments for and against the axiom of choice?
- The axiom of choice is independent of the other axioms of set theory
- and can be assumed or not as one chooses.
- (For) All ordinary mathematics uses it.
- There are a number of arguments for AC, ranging from a priori to
- pragmatic. The pragmatic argument (Zermelo's original approach) is
- that it allows you to do a lot of interesting mathematics. The more
- conceptual argument derives from the "iterative" conception of set
- according to which sets are "built up" in layers, each layer consisting
- of all possible sets that can be constructed out of elements in the
- previous layers. (The building up is of course metaphorical, and is
- suggested only by the idea of sets in some sense consisting of their
- members; you can't have a set of things without the things it's a set
- of). If then we consider the first layer containing a given set S of
- pairwise disjoint nonempty sets, the argument runs, all the elements
- of all the sets in S must exist at previous levels "below" the level
- of S. But then since each new level contains *all* the sets that can
- be formed from stuff in previous levels, it must be that at least by
- S's level all possible choice sets have already been *formed*. This
- is more in the spirit of Zermelo's later views (c. 1930).
- (Against) It has some supposedly counterintuitive consequences,
- such as the Banach-Tarski paradox. (See next question)
- Arguments against AC typically target its nonconstructive character:
- it is a cheat because it conjures up a set without providing any
- sort of *procedure* for its construction--note that no *method* is
- assumed for picking out the members of a choice set. It is thus the
- platonic axiom par excellence, boldly asserting that a given set
- will always exist under certain circumstances in utter disregard of
- our ability to conceive or construct it. The axiom thus can be seen
- as marking a divide between two opposing camps in the philosophy of
- mathematics: those for whom mathematics is essentially tied to our
- conceptual capacities, and hence is something we in some sense
- *create*, and those for whom mathematics is independent of any such
- capacities and hence is something we *discover*. AC is thus of
- philosophical as well as mathematical significance.
- It should be noted that some interesting mathematics has come out of an
- incompatible axiom, the Axiom of Determinacy (AD). AD asserts that
- any two-person game without ties has a winning strategy for the first or
- second player. For finite games, this is an easy theorem; for infinite
- games with duration less than \omega and move chosen from a countable set,
- you can prove the existence of a counter-example using AC. Jech's book
- "The Axiom of Choice" has a discussion.
- An example of such a game goes as follows.
- Choose in advance a set of infinite sequences of integers; call it A.
- Then I pick an integer, then you do, then I do, and so on forever
- (i.e. length \omega). When we're done, if the sequence of integers
- we've chosen is in A, I win; otherwise you win. AD says that one of
- us must have a winning strategy. Of course the strategy, and which
- of us has it, will depend upon A.
- From a philosophical/intuitive/pedagogical standpoint, I think Bertrand
- Russell's shoe/sock analogy has a lot to recommend it. Suppose you have an
- infinite collection of pairs of shoes. You want to form a set with one
- shoe from each pair. AC is not necessary, since you can define the set as
- "the set of all left shoes". (Technically, we're using the axiom of
- replacement, one of the basic axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel (ZF) set theory.)
- If instead you want to form a set containing one sock from each pair of an
- infinite collection of pairs of socks, you now need AC.
- References:
- Maddy, "Believing the Axioms, I", J. Symb. Logic, v. 53, no. 2, June 1988,
- pp. 490-500, and "Believing the Axioms II" in v.53, no. 3.
- Gregory H. Moore, Zermelo's Axiom of Choice, New York, Springer-Verlag,
- 1982.
- H. Rubin and J. E. Rubin, Equivalents of the Axiom of Choice, Amsterdam,
- North-Holland, 1963.
- A. Fraenkel, Y. Bar-Hillel, and A. Levy, Foundations of Set Theory,
- Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1984 (2nd edition, 2nd printing), pp. 53-86.
- 17Q: Cutting a sphere into pieces of larger volume. Is it possible
- to cut a sphere into a finite number of pieces and reassemble
- into a solid of twice the volume?
- A: This question has many variants and it is best answered explicitly.
- Given two polygons of the same area, is it always possible to
- dissect one into a finite number of pieces which can be reassembled
- into a replica of the other?
- Dissection theory is extensive. In such questions one needs to
- specify
- (A) what a "piece" is, (polygon? Topological disk? Borel-set?
- Lebesgue-measurable set? Arbitrary?)
- (B) how many pieces are permitted (finitely many? countably? uncountably?)
- (C) what motions are allowed in "reassembling" (translations?
- rotations? orientation-reversing maps? isometries?
- affine maps? homotheties? arbitrary continuous images? etc.)
- (D) how the pieces are permitted to be glued together. The
- simplest notion is that they must be disjoint. If the pieces
- are polygons [or any piece with a nice boundary] you can permit
- them to be glued along their boundaries, ie the interiors of the
- pieces disjoint, and their union is the desired figure.
- Some dissection results
- 1) We are permitted to cut into FINITELY MANY polygons, to TRANSLATE
- and ROTATE the pieces, and to glue ALONG BOUNDARIES;
- then Yes, any two equal-area polygons are equi-decomposable.
- This theorem was proven by Bolyai and Gerwien independently, and has
- undoubtedly been independently rediscovered many times. I would not
- be surprised if the Greeks knew this.
- The Hadwiger-Glur theorem implies that any two equal-area polygons are
- equi-decomposable using only TRANSLATIONS and ROTATIONS BY 180
- 2) THM (Hadwiger-Glur, 1951) Two equal-area polygons P,Q are
- equi-decomposable by TRANSLATIONS only, iff we have equality of these
- two functions: PHI_P() = PHI_Q()
- Here, for each direction v (ie, each vector on the unit circle in the
- plane), let PHI_P(v) be the sum of the lengths of the edges of P which
- are perpendicular to v, where for such an edge, its length is positive
- if v is an outward normal to the edge and is negative if v is an
- inward normal to the edge.
- 3) In dimension 3, the famous "Hilbert's third problem" is:
- "If P and Q are two polyhedra of equal volume, are they
- equi-decomposable by means of translations and rotations, by
- cutting into finitely many sub-polyhedra, and gluing along
- boundaries?"
- The answer is "NO" and was proven by Dehn in 1900, just a few months
- after the problem was posed. (Ueber raumgleiche polyeder, Goettinger
- Nachrichten 1900, 345-354). It was the first of Hilbert's problems
- to be solved. The proof is nontrivial but does *not* use the axiom
- of choice.
- "Hilbert's Third Problem", by V.G.Boltianskii, Wiley 1978.
- 4) Using the axiom of choice on non-countable sets, you can prove
- that a solid sphere can be dissected into a finite number of
- pieces that can be reassembled to two solid spheres, each of
- same volume of the original. No more than nine pieces are needed.
- This construction is known as the "Banach-Tarski" paradox or the
- "Banach-Tarski-Hausdorff" paradox (Hausdorff did an early version of
- it). The "pieces" here are non-measurable sets, and they are
- assembled *disjointly* (they are not glued together along a boundary,
- unlike the situation in Bolyai's thm.)
- An excellent book on Banach-Tarski is:
- "The Banach-Tarski Paradox", by Stan Wagon, 1985, Cambridge
- University Press.
- Also read in the Mathematical Intelligencier an article on
- the Banach-Tarski Paradox.
- The pieces are not (Lebesgue) measurable, since measure is preserved
- by rigid motion. Since the pieces are non-measurable, they do not
- have reasonable boundaries. For example, it is likely that each piece's
- topological-boundary is the entire ball.
- The full Banach-Tarski paradox is stronger than just doubling the
- ball. It states:
- 5) Any two bounded subsets (of 3-space) with non-empty interior, are
- equi-decomposable by translations and rotations.
- This is usually illustrated by observing that a pea can be cut up
- into finitely pieces and reassembled into the Earth.
- The easiest decomposition "paradox" was observed first by Hausdorff:
- 6) The unit interval can be cut up into COUNTABLY many pieces which,
- by *translation* only, can be reassembled into the interval of
- length 2.
- This result is, nowadays, trivial, and is the standard example of a
- non-measurable set, taught in a beginning graduate class on measure
- theory.
- References:
- In addition to Wagon's book above, Boltyanskii has written at least
- two works on this subject. An elementary one is:
- "Equivalent and equidecomposable figures"
- in Topics in Mathematics published by D.C. HEATH AND CO., Boston. It
- is a translation from the 1956 work in Russian.
- Also, the article "Scissor Congruence" by Dubins, Hirsch and ?,
- which appeared about 20 years ago in the Math Monthly, has a pretty
- theorem on decomposition by Jordan arcs.
- ``Banach and Tarski had hoped that the physical absurdity of this
- theorem would encourage mathematicians to discard AC. They were
- dismayed when the response of the math community was `Isn't AC great?
- How else could we get such unintuitive results?' ''
- 18Q. Is there a theory of quaternionic analytic functions, that is, a four-
- dimensional analog to the theory of complex analytic functions?
- A. Yes. This was developed in the 1930s by the mathematician
- Fueter. It is based on a generalization of the Cauchy-Riemann
- equations, since the possible alternatives of power series expansions
- or quaternion differentiability do not produce useful theories.
- A number of useful integral theorems follow from the theory.
- Sudbery provides an excellent review. Deavours covers some of the same
- material less thoroughly. Brackx discusses a further generalization
- to arbitrary Clifford algebras.
- Anthony Sudbery, Quaternionic Analysis, Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.,
- vol. 85, pp 199-225, 1979.
- Cipher A. Deavours, The Quaternion Calculus, Am. Math. Monthly,
- vol. 80, pp 995-1008, 1973.
- F. Brackx and R. Delanghe and F. Sommen, Clifford analysis,
- Pitman, 1983.
- 19Q. What is Erdos Number?
- Form an undirected graph where the vertices are academics, and an
- edge connects academic X to academic Y if X has written a paper
- with Y. The Erdos number of X is the length of the shortest path
- in this graph connecting X with Erdos.
- What is the Erdos Number of X ? for a few selected X in {Math,physics}
- Erdos has Erdos number 0. Co-authors of Erdos have Erdos number 1.
- Einstein has Erdos number 2, since he wrote a paper with Ernst Straus,
- and Straus wrote many papers with Erdos.
- Why people care about it?
- Nobody seems to have a reasonable answer...
- Caspar Goffman, And what is your Erdos number?, American Mathematical
- Monthly v. 76 (1969), p. 791.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Questions and Answers _Compiled_ by:
- Alex Lopez-Ortiz alopez-o@maytag.UWaterloo.ca
- Deparment of Computer Science University of Waterloo
- Waterloo, Ontario Canada